Chong Wai Sze Academy of Ballet 莊慧思芭蕾舞學校
Established in 1997. Offer Classical Ballet training, Modern Jazz, & Stretch Dance lessons. Classes are designed for students of all ages and levels. Welcome those who pursue fitness & beauty, healthy living, pure enjoyment or towards a professional dancing career. 創校於一九九七年,提供古典芭蕾舞,現代爵士舞及健體伸展舞課程。 適合不同年齡的人仕,無論你想追求專業舞蹈訓練,或祇想調劑生活,圴無任歡迎。 課程分成人班、青少年班和兒童班。
Royal Academy of Dance Examinations (RAD) 英國皇家芭蕾舞蹈學院考試
Qualified students are encouraged to attend RAD Examinations annually. An opportunity to stimulate students’ progressive learning As well as to promote their interest in dancing, 合資格的學員將參予每年舉行的英國皇家芭蕾舞蹈學院考試, 以測試學員的 水平和提升學習趣味。
Performances & Media Exposures 校外表演及媒體報導
Students have chance to participate public performance. Performances would be staged on TV too. Demonstrations and interviews will be covered by other mass media. 學員將有機會參加校外演出,藉此提升水平及鍛煉合作。 校外演出包括電視台的邀請表演,及其他傳播媒體的訪問或示範演出。
Studio Facilities 學校設備
Main school at Central, the other two studios at Fortress Hill (North Point) and High Street (Sai Ying Pun). All equipped with sprung floor, air-conditioning, changing room, mirrors, ballet barre and audio equipment. 總校在北角炮台山,另有兩個舞蹈室位於太子及將軍澳。 全室鋪上舞蹈用木地板,配有空調、更衣室、音嚮、扶手棍及鏡子等設備。
Convenient Public Transport 交通便利
Easily accessed by MTR, minibuses, buses and trams. Ample parking lots nearby. 多種交通工具包括巴士、小巴、地下鐡及電車均可達本校,鄰近亦有公眾停車場。