Advantages of dancing 舞蹈的好處 Advantages of dancing 舞蹈的好處 Enhancing body co-ordination and balancing ability to achieve physical fitness 提升身體協調力和平衡力,強壯體格 Developing self-discipline and building up self-confidence 鍛鍊個人自制力、 耐性,並增強自信心 Developing musicality and sense of rhythm 提高音樂欣賞能力和和節奏感 Enriching learners’ imaginations and creativities 提高學員的創作力和幻想力 Strengthening the growth of bones and developing good posture 加強骨骼生長,改善不良坐立姿勢,展現健康美態 Fostering mutual cooperation and developing better social skills 學習群體合作,加強社交能力 Nurturing sense of appreciation for dance and artistry 培養對舞蹈的欣賞能力及其他藝術才能