To learn the artistic skills and technique of ballet
To improve body flexibility, coordination and posture To achieve an elegant and graceful look of dancers Classes are designed for all learners from fresh beginners to professional grade students Students are encouraged to attend the RAD examinations and participate in both school and public performances. 可提高身體協調力,音樂感及藝術欣賞能力 以英國皇家芭蕾舞課程為基礎,分班學習 學員均有機會參加英國皇家芭蕾舞考試 和參予校內外演出
Playgroup is tailored made for students 11/2 to 21/2 years old, Qualities such as discipline, coordination, strength. balance and flexibility are well developed through singing , music, and movement. 幼兒教育班特別為11/2 至 21/2 歲幼兒而設,透過音樂及舞蹈訓練,讓孩子建立獨立及自理能力,提昇幼兒認知及大小肌肉訓練,加強幼兒入學的適應力及溝通能力.

Modern Jazz
Following the strong beats of lively music to perform rhythmic steps Help to strengthen body flexibility,coordination and sense of rhythm Suitable for anyone seeking for fun and healthy living 在強勁美妙的音樂引導下 舞動身體,踏著輕快的歩伐 跳出健康身心和生活 適合充滿活力熱愛健康的人士

Yogo Stretch
A fine combination of ballet, Pilates and yoga To properly stretch the body in a lively and enjoyable way Good for improving body flexibility, balancing and posture A perfect way to to attain physical fitness as well as build up good body shape. 揉合Pilates與瑜珈的伸展及平衡式 配合芭蕾舞優美動作的運動 學習跳躍技巧 增加肌肉柔軟度及強化骨骼 有效收緊贅肉,有助減肥 達纖體修身之效

Ballet Barre
Focus on Barre work to strengthen the muscle To learn the basic ballet steps for improving body balance and coordination A good exercise to reform the body structure and posture 集中學習扶手棍動作, 配合基本芭蕾舞步法 可收緊贅肉, 改善身體線條 改善坐立不良姿勢, 強化骨骼